The God-centered Gospel of Keith Green

What a joy to hear of God's grace in the lives of the fourteen new members who recently joined our church family! Praise God for His kindness to you brothers and sisters. Know we were encouraged by God's work and hand in your life and thank you for sharing with us! 

Recently I listened to the testimonies of Keith and Melody Green. Keith was blessed by God with some musical talents and was a pretty popular musician in the 1970s and early 1980s. In God's providential plan, Keith died and went to be with the Lord in a plane crash at the age of 28 in 1982. He spoke without shame of the Lord Jesus Christ, sin, heart-felt worship and quoted the Scripture often.

Here is an excellent very short clip from Keith that will put some gospel fire in your bellies and our elders watched recently: What's Wrong With the Gospel? (note we do not recommend the channel this is on--there are many confused even at times false teachers on there but the clip is good). 

"And the thing we should be preaching on is that Jesus accepted us. He loved us before we loved Him. He went after us before we went after Him. He came to us before we came to HIm. He drew us before we asked Him to draw us. And then we turn around and say 'Why?' Well, how do I deserve it? You've got to make people believe they don't deserve it because that's the truth...It's the greatest miracle of all!" -Keith Green

You will be very blessed by these biblical truths that flowed naturally from what gripped by God and His gospel!. May we all,by God's grace, continue to have a far more God-centered gospel to the praise and glorious honor of Christ our worthy King!

Keith Green "Easter Song" 


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Treasuring Christ by Storing Up God's Word