A. Name
First Name
Last Name
B. Email
C. Phone
Used for membership directory.
D. Birthday
Used for membership directory.
E. Address
Used for membership directory.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
F. Marital status
G. If married, what is your husband's/wife's name?
H. If married, what is your anniversary date?
I. Children (if applicable):
J. Have you been a widow/widower?
K. Day job/occupation/vocation
L. Who first shared the gospel with you and when and how did you become a Christian?
M. Is there anything else you are comfortable sharing and that we should know about you that might be helpful for us as we seek to minister and serve you (past/present sufferings, disabilities, health difficulties, family challenges, etc.)?
A. Please describe the previous churches you were involved in:
B. Have you been baptized as a born again repentant believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and if so where and when? (please list the church)
C. How did you serve your previous local churches?
D. I left my last church(es) because:
E. Were you ever placed under church discipline at these churches? YES or NO (if yes please explain):
F. Would you be comfortable if we contacted your previous church(es)? YES or NO (if no please explain):
A. What is the gospel?
B. When you die what gives you confidence you will go to heaven?
C. What does it mean to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?
D. What encourages you about the church in the United States today?
E. What concerns you about the church in United States today?
F. What verse(s) in God’s Word have had the biggest impact on you?
G. Outside of the Bible, what are the best Christian books you recommend other Christians read and that have helped you grow in faith?
H. What authors, speakers, pastors or people have most helped you grow in your faith?
A. How long have you been attending Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church?
B. What has encouraged and blessed you since attending the church?
C. Why do you want to join the church as a member?
F. What spiritual gifts has God given you that hope to bless others with and use to God’s glory?
G. How can we be praying for you and/or your family?
Under the Lord Jesus Christ I affirm that my answers above are genuine and accurate and I grant you (the church) permission to do the necessary background checks.
Yes, I consent
No, I do not consent
Typed signature:
First Name
Last Name
Today's date: