Brother Juan's Awesome Love Life Update of a Repentant Mother

Grace and peace brothers and sisters in Christ! Read the following and be encouraged and praise God:

Momma Victoria was in her second trimester when she entered Family Planning Associates for a preliminary abortion procedure. She walked out of the clinic in pain, as she just had multiple laminaria rods surgically placed inside of her and was feeling the pre-pains to the procedure she was set to have to terminate the life of her beautiful baby.

By the grace of God, Joseph and Natalia, 2 of our precious sidewalk counselors, were at the clinic that day ready to recieve and love Victoria. By God's grace, and through the ministering of God's word, Victoria changed her mind about the whole situation and we were able to walk with her to receive the medical attention she needed to reverse the procedure that she had begun that day.

Today, we are still very connected with momma V. By God's grace, and thanks to our faithful support team, we have been able to help repair V's vehicle (which allowed her to come to church) and even provide groceries for her and her three other children. Thanks be to God!

And lastly, on November 14, Victoria will become the first ever momma that we at Love Life Chicago will have the honor of throwing a baby shower for! Hallelujah! 

I wanted to share this story with you so you could see a glimpse into what God is doing through you, your seed, and your prayers. HE is moving to seek and save that which is lost like the scriptures say. If the Lord should lead, we do have a baby registry for momma V. If you'd like, I'm happy to send it over to you, just let me know.

I am thankful to Christ for your partnership in this gospel work. So that He may be glorified, and His kingdom expanded on this earth.

Your brother,

Juan-Elias Riesco

This story above is a recent ministry update from our dear brother in Christ Juan Riesco's of Chicago's Love Life. Our church was greatly enriched to hear brother Juan's testimony of God's grace in his life earlier this year in person at a Fellowship Feast and then we were blessed to participate in a prayer walk together (listen to Juan's testimony on brother Rusty Thomas's podcast here and the background of Juan's family's persecution by godless and  BLM fools (but I repeat myself). Brother Juan and Love Life is doing important gospel ministry in the heart of a stronghold of darkness in the city of Chicago. Let us be praying for this dear brother and other brothers and sisters connected to this ministry. They are brethren who praise God are literally rescuing those lead to the slaughter and being a voice for the voiceless to God's glory (Proverbs 24:11; Proverbs 31:8-9). Further brother Juan understands this is really at root a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-24) and he and others are seeking to be those who imitate Christ humbly being full of grace and truth (John 1:17). A number of you have witnessed Juan's ministry firsthand and some of you have done gospel ministry alongside him (praise God!). Let us be praying for God to hold this beloved brother and protect him and his family. He is no doubt a center target and he is unashamed of the gospel. Also mark your calendar for Saturday, November 9 @ 8:45 a.m. where we will gather downtown for the all local churches downtown Love Life prayer walk  (brother Juan has graciously asked me to be the pastor who shared). We want you there brothers and sisters!

As brother Chris Arzen of Iron Sharpens Iron (another awesome ministry) regularly notes: as  you are able to after supporting your family (1 Timothy 5:8) and local church family (Galatians 6:10) consider supporting brother Juan of Love Life. Again please mark down Saturday, November 9 8:45 a.m. and join us if you are able to for a time of worshipping the Lord. praying together and peacefully calling upon the Lord our God. He is the almighty, life-giving, eternally worthy Lord brothers and sisters and we are His by grace alone in Christ alone! Let us stand in the gap for the smallest and most victimized--the voiceless and vulnerable. Let us live wisely and make the most of every opportunity (Ephesians 5:16-17) Soli Deo Gloria


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