The Priority of Prayer in Our Lives

Christian do you pray? Have you called upon the Lord today and praised Him or thanked Him petitioned Him or pleaded with Him? In God our Creator's incredible kindness and provision through Christ we now have access to the same Father in heaven and by the Spirit we are invited to gladly call upon God. Prayer done in faith always pleases the Lord. And beloved brother and beloved sister  take heart--it is not about the strength of your faith but the strength of your Savior. He our high priest who lives to intercede for us (Hebrews 7:25). And He--Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Your circumstances change. You change. Your health changes. Your relationships change. Your stability changes. But God remains the same--always faithful, forever good and eternally worthy. 

Recently our friends of the Illinois Family Institute have graciously posted some article I wrote on prayer. You can listen or read Part 1 here and Part 2 here (and there is a Part 3 due to be out soon). 

May Christ be praised and may we be a faithfully praying church both in secret and together. Join us as often as you can for our regular scheduled Wednesday prayer meeting (it is online many weeks so you can do it from home and once a month-for now it is in person). Soli Deo Gloria.


Quotes from Hensworth Jonas’ Radical Discipleship: Uncompromising Conviction in a Hostile World


A New Commandment