Quotes from Hensworth Jonas’ Radical Discipleship: Uncompromising Conviction in a Hostile World

Recently I have been reading a book on discipleship by Hensworth W.C. Jonas. He is a four decades long local church pastor who currently also serves as the executive director of the East Caribbean Baptist Mission. The book is titled Radical Discipleship: Uncompromising Conviction in a Hostile World. It was encouraging to read chapters on marriage and on suffering it seems to me are often left out of discipleship books and resources but vital. Our Lord told us clearly: "If they persecuted me they will persecute you also" (John 15:20) and He also said through Paul "Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12). Here are a couple choice quotes in this short and so far very good book from Jonas:

"While there is a place for private communion with God, it is in the covenant community that ur character, gifts, challenges and relational skills are best exposed and addressed." -p. 32

"When the gospel gets into our hearts and we see that we are utterly loved and fully accepted by the same God we have so deeply offended, we have the emotional freedom to admit the many sins in our lives." p. 57

So far it is a very good book. Lord willing I will share more quotes in the future from it and hope to have some of these books on the bookstand in the future.

As an aside and to be honest the whole "radical" theme was overdone and even at points unhelpfully burdensome a few years back. A few years ago some if not most of the calls to be  "radical" were often heavily emotionally laden feelings based calls that were thin on biblical truth, wisdom and counsel of others and the doctrine of the church (thinking here of David Platt in particular; also side note look at this hilarious meme someone I honestly don't know who put up).


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